Type: Crater
Geological period: Eratosthenian (From -3.2 billions years to -1.1 billions years)
Dimension: 31x31Km / 18x18Mi
Height: 2690m / 8200ft
Height/Wide ratio: 0.0897
Isolated circular formation. Steep slopes supporting the craterlet Lambert A to the North-West and large ghost crater Lambert R to the South. High walls with terraces. Tormented floor. Central mountain with craterlet to the summit. Craterlets.
Interest: Exceptional formation
Observation period: 2 days after First Quarter or 1 day after Last Quarter
Minimal Instrument: 50 mm refractor
Longitude: 21.0° West
Latitude: 25.6° North
Quadrant: North-West
Area: South part of Mare Imbrium